Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) protects individuals such as: lawyers, accountants, entrepreneurs, and more.

Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) protects individuals such as: lawyers, accountants, entrepreneurs, and more.


what is professional liability insurance?

Professional Liability Insurance, otherwise known as Errors and Omissions Insurance, protects professionals - like yourself, from allegations expressing misrepresentation, misconduct, breach of a written contract, financial loss from promised or provided service, and wrongful business practice. Your businesses success is our priority, Professional Liability Insurance coverage can protect your business from such allegations and loss.

what does professional liability insurance cover?

It will cost you and your business less financially to prevent Professional Liability Insurance claims, than it does to fight them!

  • Professional Services - Coverage for Negligent Acts or Errors and Omissions related to your professional services or advertisement, and coverage for failure to deliver products or service as promised.

  • Advertising and Media Liability - Allegations of defamation, slander, false advertising, and/or libel.

  • Product Liability - Property damage or bodily injury prompted from a product you sell or provide.