Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on way for Canadians, and our locals, to help struggling children in the developing world, who are in desperate situations. Filling a shoebox with toys, hygiene products, school supplies, and other items — means more than you know. Help make a difference this Christmas, for a child in need!

Each year, Maxxam Insurance participates in this beautiful charity. This Christmas season, our office in Victoria will be a drop off location for shoe-boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

If you cant think of what to include in your box, here are some options:

  • Small toiletries: Bar of Soap, tooth brushes, floss, washcloth, comb etc. (but no liquids like tooth paste)

  • A snack, or treat: Granola bars, gummy snacks, etc.

  • A toy: Baseball, toy car, dolls, stuffed animals, etc.

  • School supplies

  • A book

  • An outfit or pair of shoes

  • $10 donation for shipping costs.

Drop off your box by November 10th 2018, and we will take care of the rest.


If you need help, please call our cooperate office at 250-391-8809!